A New Chapter
On August 29th, 2024, the Presbytery voted to call our beloved Pastor Jessica McClure Archer as the next General Minister of Pittsburgh Presbytery. While we will miss having her here with us at Sampson’s Mills, we know her gifts of leadership, compassion, and service will benefit all of Pittsburgh Presbytery. As we transition into this next chapter for the saints of Sampson’s Mills Presbyterian Church, look here to find what you can expect next, and where to find the answers to any additional questions you may have.
Next Steps
What to Know
Many of you are likely asking “What’s next?” after Pastor Jessica’s departure, so we wanted to have an easy resource for the congregation to see what they can expect and to have easily accessible updates.
First, know that your Session has been busy preparing and shaping what the next few weeks and months will look like until we welcome an interim pastor. The anticipated next steps for worship, administration, plans for an interim, and some frequently asked questions will be addressed. Please understand that thing are subject to change as the transition will be inherently fluid. In addition to this page, updates will also be communicated via our Weekend Resources email which is sent every Friday and posted to our Facebook page.
Update on 03/06/25
The Nominating Committee presented the nominees for the Pastor Nominating Committee (or PNC) to the congregation at a specially called Congregational Meeting following worship on February 16th. All nominations were accepted by vote of the congregation. Please pray for all members as they begin this important work of the church.
PNC Members
Tim Dunn
Jolene Keefer
Laura McCusker
Teresa Trich
Matt VanMeter
Session has finalized details with Holy Cow! to implement the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT). This survey will be vital to the work of the newly elected PNC as they embark on the search for a new pastor. This survey will launch on Sunday, March 16th.
Update on 11/19/24

The Personnel Team is happy to announce the Rev. Dr. Steve Wilson as our new interim pastor! Steve officially began his ministry with Sampson’s Mills today, November 19th.
Please keep in mind that Steve will be serving us in a part-time capacity. In addition to his time with us on Sundays, he will be in the office at least twice a week. As he begins his ministry here, Steve will be making the rounds to many activities, meetings and events, while also ministering during Advent! His schedule may seem a bit irregular as he makes every effort to see all that makes SMPC special.
Please be sure to email steve@sampsonsmills.org for any pastoral needs.
We will get to know Steve more in the coming weeks, but for now, here’s a brief introduction:
Steve was born and raised in Alton, Illinois. After his undergraduate degree from Blackburn College, he received a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary (1982) and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (2000). Steve began ministry serving in rural Clearfield County, Pennsylvania (1982-1988) and then served 35 years in Oakmont, Pennsylvania. He has been active in Pittsburgh Presbytery since coming into the presbytery in 1988 and currently serves on the Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry, which supports congregations and pastors, and promotes peace and harmony in churches. Steve and his wife, Diane, live in Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania. Diane is a music minister at St. Richard’s Church in Gibsonia. Their blended family consists of four sons, three daughters-in-law, four grandsons and two granddaughters. Steve enjoys riding bicycles with Diane, reading, writing poems and working occasionally at his son’s dog daycare in Verona.
Update on 10/29/24
The Personnel Team is happy to report that things have been moving forward and we are on track to have a temporary pastor in place by the Advent season.
Further details will be forthcoming, but please know that the Session members have been hard at work during this time of transition.
Thanks to Elder Teresa Trich and the Worship team for ensuring pulpit supply is fulfilled during this time.
A Temporary Pastor
Frequently Asked Questions
What to know
We are welcoming guest pastors to fill the pulpit weekly until an interim arrives, hopefully by the time Advent begins.
On September 29th and October 6th we welcomed Rev. Ralph Lowe and Rev. Brian Wallace, both associate ministers of Pittsburgh Presbytery.
They shared special messages with us as we began our time in this transition. Watch and listen by clicking below!
Below you can find the current preaching schedule. The Worship Team and Elder Teresa Trich will be leading this scheduling process as needed.
September 29th– Rev. Ralph Lowe, Associate Minister of Pittsburgh Presbytery
October 6th– Rev. Brian Wallace, Associate Minister of Pittsburgh Presbytery
October 13th, 20th & 27th– Caroline Baker
November 3rd– Rev. Ralph Lowe, Associate Minister of Pittsburgh Presbytery
November 10th– Caroline Baker
November 17th– Ruling Elder Frank Hancock
November 24th– Lay Sunday: Thankful for Surviving

What to Know
At the September Session Meeting, Session approved the Personnel Team’s request to increase Amber Keefer’s, Office Manager, compensation at the rate of five additional hours due to an expected increase of administrative responsibilities because of a vacancy in the pastoral position. These include fielding pastoral care concerns, resourcing ministry teams, and community needs like the Lazarus Fund applications.
The office hours will remain 9:30am to 1:30pm Monday-Friday.
What to Know
A Temporary Pastor
Session approved to hire a Part-Time Temporary Pastor (20-22 hours/week) with an expected start date of 12/1/2024. The Ministry Profile for this position can be found below. The Personnel Team has been charged with reviewing applications, interviewing candidates, and recommending a final candidate to the Session. Interims are non-called/non-installed positions, meaning they enter contracts with the session and serve at 1-year intervals until a called and installed pastor has been elected by the congregation.
How an Interim Pastor Serves
The temporary pastor’s primary responsibility is to prepare the congregation to welcome a new pastor. This will include leading the congregation through a period of reflection and evaluation regarding past ministry and mission. This will be especially important for Sampson’s Mills as we celebrate our 125th Anniversary in 2025. The temporary pastor will ensure the ministry and mission continues to reflect the congregations’ sense of of call and vision, serve as head of staff, resource ministry teams, and provide pastoral care.
What the Church Does
During the Interim Phase
First and foremost, the church will continue to be the church in our community! And the church needs YOU- your presence, your gifts, and most importantly your prayers. At some point, the Session will nominate for congregational approval a slate of individuals to serve as the Pastor’s Nominating Committee (the PNC). The PNC will prepare a ministry profile, review applications, interview candidates and eventually prepare and present for election the next pastor to the congregation. The estimated timeline until the next pastor is called and begins their service is approximately 18 months to 24 months.

The Next General Minister of Pittsburgh Presbytery
Pastor Jessica’s next chapter takes her to the leadership of the Pittsburgh Presbytery. The first woman to serve Pittsburgh Presbytery in this role, she begins on October 1st.
To read more about this exciting new chapter in her life of ministry, see the Pittsburgh Presbytery site and this article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Excerpted from Pastor Jessica’s Sense of Call:
Today, I have the privilege of pastoring a congregation empowered to be the church because we trust in God’s abundance, believe if we weren’t around our community wouldn’t be the same without us, and that we don’t have to walk this healing and loving journey by ourselves in our community. In fact, we have discovered that we are the church better when we do it together….
…The role of the presbytery is to help us lean more fully into being and becoming a convenantal community, where we get to discover the joy that is possible when we do ministry together rather than in isolation and competition.

A Sweet Farewell
Saying goodbye to Pastor Jessica is bittersweet in so many ways. We appreciate all that she has done to transform SMPC back into a vibrant community cornerstone . We as a church are stronger and healthier because of her leadership. And now, so many more will benefit from her gifts as she serves as General Minister of the Pittsburgh Presbytery. While we will miss her dearly, we know that we are ready for the next chapter. To carry on the call to love and serve Jesus Christ, as we cultivate community and empower our neighbors.

What to Know
Frequently Asked Questions
During this period of transition, your staff, elders and deacons are here to help! But, WHO do you ask about WHAT? Here’s a quick guide to help.
Send an email to office@sampsonsmills.org or call the church office at 412-678-5355, and your question will be directed accordingly.
If I have a question about the process in general
Please contact Stephanie Graham, Clerk of Session, by emailing office@sampsonsmills.org
If I have a question about the interim selection process
Please contact John Williamson, Chair of Personnel, by emailing office@sampsonsmills.org
If I have a pastoral care need or emergency
Please contact Amber Keefer, Office and Communication Manager, by emailing office@sampsonsmills.org or calling the office at 412-678-5355. Amber will then contact a deacon and/or a pastor in our community as appropriate.
If I have a prayer concern
Please contact Amber Keefer, Office & Communication Manager, by emailing office@sampsonsmills.org or calling 412-678-5355 so she can email the prayer chain.
If I have a question about a particular area of ministry
Please contact
Elder Teresa Trich: Love & Serve, guiding Faith Formation and Worship
Elder Stephanie Graham: Empower our Neighbors, guiding Deacons and Mission
Elder Nikki Katona: Cultivate Community
If I have a question about Administrative Areas
Please contact
Elder Lance Ellenberger: Stewardship and Finance
Elder John Williamson: Personnel
Elder Matt Boynton: Building and Grounds
If I want to communicate something to the congregation
Please contact Amber Keefer, Office and Communication Manager by emailing office@sampsonsmills.org or calling 412-678-5355. She prepares all communication to be published in the Friday Weekend Resources Email, the Sunday pre-worship slides, and the quarterly newsletter.
Where can I find email and phone contact information
The Church Directory is updated frequently and is available by request through the church office.
Class of 2025
Laura McCuskar, Maria Pompura, Bernie D’Antonio
Class of 2026
Royce Jackson, Donna Diak, Sue Schmidt
Class of 2027
Michael George, Harry Welch, Joanne Welch
Session Members
Class of 2025
Lance Ellenberger, President and Stewardship/Finance Chair
Matt Boynton, Building and Grounds Chair
Class of 2026
John Williamson, Personnel Chair
Nikki Katona, Cultivate Community Liaison
Class of 2027
Stephanie Graham, Clerk and Empower our Neighbors Liaison
Teresa Trich, Love and Serve Liaison
Ministry Team Leaders
Cultivate Community- Laurie Van Meter
Deacons- Donna Diak & Laura McCusker
Faith Formation- Elaine Petroski
Mission- Beverly Ekatis
Worship- Max Keefer