Children, Youth, and Family Ministries
Train up children the way they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
What is Intergenerational Ministry?
Intergenerational Ministry happens when people of two or more generations come together intentionally for the work of Jesus Christ. Faith is formed and strengthened through mentoring and relationship building. Intergenerational Ministry cultivates community and allows connections to be made between all God’s children, no matter their ages.
We value Intergenerational Ministry at Sampson’s Mills and have seen it flourish through all of our children and youth ministries. It is a beautiful thing when children recognize their church as home because they know and have connected with their church family.

E.P.I.C. Wednesdays
E.P.I.C. stands for “Eat, Pray, Inspire, Connect” and is our mid-week ministry program that serves children in Pre-School to Senior High and beyond. We use the LOGOS program model of intergernational ministry for this program. There are 4 components: Bible Study, Recreation, Worship Arts, and Family Time.
Bible lessons are age-specific, as well as recreation and worship arts. Family Time is a “family style” dinner and table games played all together. This program is a great way to spend an evening strengthening your faith, meeting new people, and having fun!
Sunday Children’s Worship and Nursery Care
On Sunday mornings during the Worship service, we have special programming for our children. Children age 3 and under are invited to Nursery care during the whole service. Volunteers will be available starting at 10:20am. Children age 4 through 4th grade are invited upstairs for Children’s Worship after Small Talk (the Children’s moment) with volunteers for a Bible Lesson and Activity.

Youth Group
We get our teenagers together once a month to do either a fun activity or a mission project. Friends are always invited as well as youth from other churches. We love working together with other churches. The more the merrier! For more information about upcoming youth events, contact our Director of Faith Formation, Jo VanMeter.
Vacation Bible School
At Sampson’s Mills, we do VBS a bit differently. We lead Community VBS in the Park each summer in conjunction with other local churches. It is held at White Oak Park and is a week full of fun and fellowship for the whole community! For more information, visit our VBS in the Park website by clicking the button below.